- Luglio 27, 2021
- 9:51 am
PRESS RELEASE, Minoprio, July 28th 2021
An international event to bring mountains back to the center of environmental protection actions
High Summit COP26 is an event dedicated to Mountains, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development that intends to bring Mountains back to the center of scientific and political debate.
The purpose of this scientific event is to bring the importance that mountain areas have in environmental protection to the attention of the International Bodies and Institutions that deal with Climate Change and Environmental Protection. These issues are not often considered in the agendas of decision makers despite the fact that between 60 and 80% of fresh water on Earth derives from the mountains.
High Summit COP26 is an event organized by EvK2Minoprio in collaboration with numerous organizations and institutions that takes place in 3 different moments.
– The opening workshop in Pakistan on August 3rd 2021.
– The International Scientific Conference in Minoprio in Lombardy, which involves researchers, politicians, and technicians from all over the world, some of them among the leading experts in climate change and mountain ecosystems. It takes place on September 24th-25th 2021, as part of the PreCOP26 events.
– The Side Event in Glasgow, as part of COP26, during which a delegation of researchers outlines the results of the conference to the international stakeholders.
The International Scientific Conference, the heart of the event, is organized around 9 sessions dedicated to the main topics related to environmental research and management of mountain areas:
from climate change to the issue of water resources; from the study of ecosystems to the environmental and socioeconomic impacts; from the development of new technologies to the topic of energy and transport; from the European strategies for the management of Alpine territories to the well-being and life of mountain communities.
An entire session is dedicated to the point of view of young people, real protagonists of the event together with researchers, stakeholders, and politicians.
More than 60 Italian and international researchers, politicians, and technicians of great experience participate in the conference.
Here you can view the entire conference program.
“We strongly wanted to organize an event of this importance – declares Stefania Proietti, President of the Scientific Committee of EvK2Minoprio and Mayor of Assisi – because as scholars who have always been involved in research in mountain areas, we are aware of how fragile these systems are and how deep the consequences of climate change impacts can be on the life of the entire planet. For instance, the lives of 1.9 billion people directly depend on mountain water resources, more than a quarter of the population of the entire planet!”.
There is so much evidence that shows how important the mountains are and why they should be placed at the center of the agenda of international environmental policies. Protected mountain areas and their National Parks are the fundamental principles of this vision.
High Summit COP26 is the first event that takes place within the Mountain Genius framework, a project that intends to collect the know-how of professional organizations and researchers involved in scientific research, territorial management, and development projects in the mountains across the globe.
This event is part of the ALL4CLIMATE program, organized and patronaged by the Ministero della Transizione Ecologica.
Register to the Conference and access all the information from the website: www.mountaingenius.org
Event organizer
EvK2Minoprio in collaboration with Fondazione Minoprio
Under the patronage of
Ministero della Transizione Ecologia
Ministero degli Affari Esteri
Regione Lombardia
Mountain Partnership – FAO Secretariat
UNCEM, Unione nazionale Comuni e comunitĂ enti montani
With the support of
Intesa Sanpaolo
Camera di Commercio di Como-Lecco
CAL Concessioni Autostradali Lombarde
Cobat, Consorzio nazionale Raccolta e Reciclo
Fondazione Minoprio
Media Partner
Sky Italia

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